In this time and age where speed is a priority for many industries, it's important to teach yourself how to be fast and steady. To stand out from the rest, you need to learn to design fast, maintain good work ethic, and produce great output.

Why is becoming a fast designer important today? The simple answer is this:


Your client needs your quality design as fast as possible. When you learn how to speed things up the right way, you will be more valued and sought-after. Learning how to design fast is understanding that the quality of the design is still the top priority. A valued, sought-after designer is optimal because he is both excellent and fast. This is what you should aim for.

1. Have a clear vision of the design in your head.

Take the time in between to think about your design - how you want the end product to look like and how you can execute your plan. The image should be clear in your mind by this stage so when you do the design, all you're actually doing is putting the steps together. It’s more about creation rather than ideation. When you have a clear vision of the design, you’ll certainly design faster.

2. Set a schedule and stick to it.

Make a workable plan on how you can focus on the job at hand. But remember, the strategies are secondary. The key is for you to recognize that your time can be easily squandered. At times, others will waste your time, but most likely, it's you who actually does the wasting. If you really want to be a fast designer, you need to make an effort to be one.

3. Set a time budget before starting a project.

Before doing any sketch or design, create a time budget. When you consider the time you have for a new project, it will greatly impact the way you approach your work. Be smart when making design choices.

4. Find inspiration.

These days, smart designers take advantage of Google. The search engine is faster, less expensive.

5. Broaden your horizon

If you like to design innovative projects or create groundbreaking ideas, you have to jump out of your comfort zone. Explore other avenues to feed your mind with new materials. Watch something you generally wouldn’t. Do something you ordinarily stay away from.

6. Work smarter.

A rule of thumb for every designer: a great design is about a great layout. Regardless of how much time you spend on color selection, photography or typography, you can’t move forward if your layout is inferior. This is why many designers fail to meet their time budget.

7. Sketching should always be the first step.

A hand with a pencil is infinitely faster than a hand with a mouse. If you sidestep sketching and start on working on Photoshop right away, you’ve already wasted hours of work that you think you’ve saved.


Getting ample rest is important to stay sharp to finish the task. As much as possible, avoid working for over eight hours a day. If that's unavoidable, take power naps or short breaks. A 15-minute rest can truly do wonders for your focus. Becoming a fast designer doesn’t happen overnight. It takes practice and discipline to learn this skill. But if you put your energy and time on mastering how to be fast, it will certainly pay off.