Inform their minds, through their ears

Reynaldi Surya Putra,
Digital Media Planner

March 29, 2020

"Information is only useful when it can be understood." - Muriel Cooper

When it comes to delivering information, whether in personal environment or working environment, the first things you must acknowledge is your audience to get your message and Understand the point of your message. Here are 4 tips to make sure your receiver understand your message.


  • List Your Objective

The first thing you want to do, is list your objective. What is your objective you want to achieve when you deliver your message. Objective such as Persuasing, Convincing, Informing, and etc.

  • Prepare Your Wording

After list your objective, make the wording as a bridge for your audience. Make sure your wording represent all your Objective so your audience will understand your point. Don’t use too much words beside your main point of the message, because it will only distract your audience.

  • Address your Audience Properly

In working environment, there are Manager, General Manager, Senior, and Junior officer. Make sure to address your    receiver properly. Show respect but keep your integrity, show them you are qualified but don’t be over confident. Make sure the Information is delivered same as your objective.

  • Time is Essential

​​You got your bullet, now it’s time to know when to shoot. In working environment, it would be inappropriate to send    your message outside working hour. Could you imagine how irritating to be reminded about work when you at dinner with your family ? Usually working hour began at 9 AM, lunch break at 12 PM, back to work at 1 PM and finish at 5 PM.