How to: Empower Your Inner Initiative Sense

August 30, 2021
Having an initiative sense means that you will do anything on your own, without the need to be told. Usually, learning on how to be more initiative somehow boost your self-development. On the bright side, having an initiative sense will increase your productivity and people would appreciate you more.
So how do we increase our initiative?
1. Embrace yourself.
Starting with yourself, be more confident – especially when you’re giving out ideas to the whole team. Even when somebody might not agree with you, stick with your confidence as people would start thinking that your ideas might be worth a try. Also, being confident makes you feel brave enough to speak out your thoughts.
2. Get to know the environment around you.
Being familiar with the people in your job would help you learn about their habits. How to cooperate with them, knowing their strengths and weakness. Adding new friends would increase your initiative to develop a deeper relationship with your office mates and might as well help you on your work process too!
3. Having the right mindset
This last step might be a little hard. Baby steps are perfectly fine! When you take an initiative, you’re learning on how to try, the possibilities that you may encounter. And by taking an initiative, even when you fail, you will actually learn something. Yes, this mindset would lead to a struggle but hey, you know that struggling leads to success, am I right?!