4 Ways to Ignite Creativity

May 27, 2021
Everybody is creative. In fact, being creative is simple. We’ve forgotten how to do it because we complicate it too much. We label ourselves as “creative,” or “not creative.”
Other people put us — or maybe we put ourselves — into a role.
When someone asked a painter when he started drawing, he very accurately pointed out that everybody instinctively draws as a child. But somewhere along the way, most people stop.
By nature, everyone is born as a creative person.
1. To build creativity, we need to be strategic about how we think
Routine, for the most people, mornings are all about routine. We wake up and go through the motions of getting ready for the day ahead without having to think too much about it.
If the world was as predictable as our mornings, routine thinking and unimaginative ideas would to the trick.
We have to avoid “Males Mikir” that trigger to Template Thinking. No every situation have formula to solve.
2. Surround Yourself with Inspiration
There are 2 element of Inspiration source, Physical and Non-Physical. The physical inspiration of source are the places you work at, things we see, etc. Who You Surround Yourself With is Who You become.
How to surround ourself with micro doses of inspiration from non-physical?
- Friends
- Social Media
- Websites
- Things you love/curious about / Hobbies
3. Question Everything
“There is only one stupid question in this world, and that is the question that does not get asked.”
Ingledew says, “Ruthlessly interrogating a problem will extract information that leads to ideas. “See the problem as a puzzle, and use questions to gather as many pieces as possible by methodically establishing as many facts as you can.” Use questions to open up problems. And make it a point to always ask questions-especially the questions you’re afraid to ask.
4. Steal Like an Artist
Many people assume that originality is what defines greatness. Art can only be brilliant if it’s something nobody’s seen before.
There’s no such thing as completely original art, Artistic influences are sort of like genetics, influenced by other artist too. Try to name who influenced us the most, can be influencer, musician, stylist, etc.
Start by imitating, finish by emulating. Don’t afraid to copy, plagiarize is different thing! As we keep copying, we will gradually realize that we’re quite different from them. In some areas, we won’t be able to do exactly what we did.