Everyone is Creative, Follow These Steps!

Diaz Respatianto,
Digital Advertising Specialist

December 17, 2020

In this era, people only focus on their job descriptions, even become an expert in one field. Finance officers, ads specialists, procurement, etc are getting smarter every day with their heavy tasks. But they just following their steps to complete their daily job. Are their right-brains honed? Of course not.

Here are 4 tips on ways to keep the creative juices flowing in your brain:


1. Mix up people’s ideas

It’s ok to borrow other people’s ideas. After collecting the ideas, mix up to get one fresh idea. It can’t feel that you’re copying someone. But the ideas should still align and make sense with your goals. Steve Job said that Creativity is just connecting things. So let’s get your idea and start connecting all things you observe to things you do.


2. Find people to talk to get insights

Don’t always pull from the same people of “creatives” to help you brainstorm ideas. While it’s great to have your go-to people, every once in a while try to find other people. For example, if you want to discuss how to increase brand awareness, pull in more than just your friends, ask someone from your business industries to get more creative insights!


3. Set the vibe

The environment is everything to keep you creative. If you have to improve your creativity level, go to the place that makes your brand and body clear. Like outdoor cafes, beaches, etc. Don’t forget to play music when you start thinking.


4. Try something out there

“Idea is cheap, and execution is so expensive”, my lecturer said that when I was in college. We don’t encourage you to try something too risky very often, but maybe you can make your boundaries a bit to improve your creativity. Every once and a while, an idea may be the very thing that kicks you into a new gear. Keep trying because creativity is a basis to continue generating ideas to move your cause forward. We guarantee you'll get a spark of inspiration that you may not have otherwise. Now get to work!