Improving Managerial Abilities with Video Games - The Elder Scroll V: Skyrim

April 05, 2021
Managerial abilities refer to the capabilities an employee has in performing managerial works in an organization or in work environment. Managerial abilities also show how an employee is able to cooperate and communicate with people while actively performing self-evaluation on working manner and emotional management. There are 5 skills that are required for managing, which are: technical skills, conceptual skill, interpersonal & communication skill, decision making skill, and diagnostic & analytical skill.
There are so many ways to improve managerial abilities by honing those 5 required skills. You can improve it in a hard way, or in a more fun way, one of the fun ways is through video games. Some video games, especially RPG (role-playing game), were designed to force the player to think on how to get the best outcome for their game, this way it is not enough for the player to just rely on them reflects on mashing button but also on their ability in conceptual skill, interpersonal & communication skill, decision making skill, and diagnostic & analytical skill.
The Elder Scroll V: Skyrim, or better known as Skyrim, has a gameplay that can improves managerial abilities. Skyrim is an action role-playing game which playable either a first or third-person perspective and was released on 2011. Besides enhancing your managerial abilities with its gameplay, Skyrim also offers an interesting storyline, immersive atmosphere, and challenging mechanism. The game's main story revolves around the player's character, the Dragonborn, on their quest to defeat Alduin the World-Eater, a dragon who is prophesied to destroy the world.
In general, the plater may freely roam and explore over the game map which is an open world environment consisting wilderness, dungeons, cities, towns, villages, fortressed, caves, etc. While exploring the game, player may navigate the game world more quickly by riding horses, riding a cart from a city's stable or by using the fast-travel system which allows the player to wrap to previously discovered locations. Even in term of exploring the game world, you will need a good managerial ability because either owning a horse or riding a cart require some in-game money. You can save your time by buying horse or pay to ride a cart, which means you will have more time to do quest but you will have less money to buy good armors or weapons. You can save your money by just walking without buying horse or riding a cart, which means you will have more money to buy good armors or weapons but you will have less time to do more quest.
In Skyrim, players have the freedom to create and develop their character. At the beginning of the game, players create their character by selecting their sex and their race. There are several races available in the game, such as: humans, orcs, elves, and anthropomorphic cat or lizard-like creatures. Each of these races have unique abilities, for example orcs have the abilities to go berserk and immune to damage for a couple of seconds, humans have the ability to intimidate their enemies, Khajiit (cat like creatures) have the ability to see in the dark, and so on. The race that the player choose will affects the character build or the way the player plays, and also how the player manages to develop the characters itself. The player should choose carefully the race based on how they will play, you do not want to choose an orc if you want to specialized in magic.
Over the course of the game, players improve their character's skills which are numerical representations of their ability in certain areas. There are eighteen skills divided evenly among the three schools of combat, magic, and stealth. When players have trained skills enough to meet the required experience, their character levels up. Each time their character levels, the players may choose to select a skill-specific ability called a perk or store perk points for later use. In improving the character's skills, player also challenged to use their managerial ability by knowing which perks should a player pick first, which perks should not be pick, which perks will give the character best improvement, and so on. Based on my experience, I once choose an orc because I want to have a strong and powerful so I should have go for the school of combat skills (heavy armor skills, heavy weapon skills, etc.), but instead I choose a pick pocketing skill because I think it would be neat to be able to steal good armors and swords, and it did not end well, my character build became unbalanced and I spent my perks point on skill that I did not need. That's not a good managerial ability.
Besides improving characters through skills, there are also three character's main attributes that the player can improve, they are: health, magicka, and stamina. Health is depleted primarily when the player takes damage and the loss of all health results in death. Magicka is depleted by the use of spells, certain poisons and by being struck by lightning-based attacks. Stamina determines the player's effectiveness in combat and is depleted by sprinting, holding breath while aiming with bow and being struck by frost-based attacks. These attributes also affect the way the player plays or the character build. For example, if you are focusing on schools of combat you might want to improve health so you can withstand incoming direct attacks as much as possible if you are focusing on schools of magic you might want to improve magicka so you can attack with magic as long as possible, if you are focusing on schools of stealth you might want to improve stamina so you can run or aim with your bow longer. If you try to build a character with school of combats experience, it is not wise improving magicka more than improving health.
After using your managerial ability to improve your character, now your managerial ability will be challenged by one of the most annoying yet popular game mechanism: inventory management. This might be one of the game mechanisms that will show how good you are at managing something. In Skyrim, each item you obtain throughout the game has different weight and your carrying capacity or inventory space is limited. By default, the character's maximum carrying capacity is 300, and can be improved by leveling up, choosing perks, or using some enchanted items (meaning that you will have to manage your skill properly before being able to manage your inventory properly). Most Skyrim players know how helpful it is to have a good managerial ability while exploring the game. Let's say when you are exploring, you are currently wearing a full set of armor, using a sword and a shield as weapon, carrying some health and stamina potions, some precious gems, and another set of rare armor. Suddenly, you found a dead dragon and you take its bones and scales, because dragon bones and scales can be trade with a lot of gold and other expensive items. After you put the dragon bones and scales to your inventory space, you got a notification that your items exceed your carrying capacity limit with following items:
- A set of heavy armor you are wearing, weighing 70
- A sword, weighing 25
- A shield, weighing 25
- Health potions, weighing 5
- Stamina potions, weighing 5
- Precious gems, weighing 10
- A set of rare armor, weighing 90
- Dragon bones, weighing 80
- Dragon scales weighing 40
With those items, your total inventory weight is 350 and this condition make the player's character move more slowly. Naturally, you will try to discard some items so the total inventory weight will not exceed your carrying capacity and there are a lot of options in managing the inventory. You could keep the dragon bones and scales, but you will have to discard some items. You could discard the rare armor, which you spent a lot of time and luck to find it, but is it worth more than gold? Or perhaps you could throw away your sword and shield, then buy a new one after you sell the dragon bones and scales after you sell it at the nearest city, but what if you stumble upon a bandit? While there are a lot of on how to manage your inventory, the best way to manage your inventory on such condition will be discarding the armor you are wearing and then equip the rare armor, if it is still not enough you can discard the shield because a sword and a couple of potions should be enough to face some bandits. When you arrive at the nearest city, you could sell the dragon bones and scales, and you can buy a new shield and replenish your potions. This case is just a tiny bit example of how the inventory management works in Skyrim, you will find the real inventory managing in Skyrim way harder than this.
The character improvement and managing inventory are just some example on how Skyrim's game mechanism can improve your managerial ability. Other game mechanism in Skyrim such as deciding which quest to take to get the best storyline, how you build and manage your property (land and houses), and how you lead a guild also correlated with managerial ability improvement.
In conclusion, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is not a type of "just for fun" game. In order to get the best experience in playing the game, a good managerial ability is needed. Even a player without a good managerial ability will be forced to learn while finishing the game. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim also provides you with interesting story line, quests, ambience and activities so the player will find the game quite interesting while improving managerial ability without realizing it.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is available on PC, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. An annual awards ceremony honoring achievements in the video game industry called The Game Awards, gave The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim "Game of the Year" title to Skyrim in 2011., one of the trusted websites that give scores to video games gave 94 out of 100, while IGN gave 9.5 out of 10 for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. With such award and high rating, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a game you should try once in a lifetime.