Strengthen Your Analytical Skills Through Daily Habits

Selma Maulida,
Account Strategist

April 09, 2020

Strengthen Your Analytical Skills Through Daily Habits


In this digital era, analytical skills are very important because it is an actionable solution for problem solving and decision making that are needed, not only in career, but almost in every aspect of life. For sure, it can be developed with time by consistent practice, just like what Richards J. Heuer Jr., former veteran of the CIA said:


“Thinking analytically is a skill like carpentry or driving a car. It can be taught, it can be learned, and it can improve with practice. But unlike other skills, it is not learned by sitting in a classroom and being told how to do it. Analysts learn by doing.”


Before knowing deeper on how to improve analytical skills, we have to understand what is meant by analytical skills. Analytical skills are the ability to collect, gather, visual, and analyze information in details to see the bigger picture or trend behind facts.

Here are simple ways to improve analytical skills which you can learn from your daily activities: