Professional Communication

Gabriela Rachel Lutfi,
Community Officer

May 26, 2020

As a human being, communication is a basis for getting to know, asking, and telling others. Because of that, having professional communication skills is very important especially in the working environment. But what is exactly professional communication and how it will impact our lives as professionals?

Professional communication is referred to as written, speaking, visual, and digital communication carried out both in and beyond the workplace. It is the basic skill that will be giving the best good impression to Colleagues, Supervisors also Customers. 

Written in professional communication is very important in our workplace. So, how to write professionally? Here’s some tricks; First, set a good platform where you will be writing on (Ex. Memo, Email, etc.). Creating a good format is will help you to decrease the potential of the wrong writing. Second, clarity into the point with the message you want to deliver. We don't want to create a misunderstanding that will create great conflict. Lastly, stay positive, positive letters will lead us to a good relationship and also keeping professional all the time.

Also, speaking will be a key factor in achieving professional communication. In speaking to others, the first thing that we needed is body language. We don't want others to judge and underestimating us because of the lack of gestures given. Second, listen more, don’t cut the conversation to help us absorb all the information correctly especially from our supervisor or greater. Two points above are important to make you more comfortable in communication either it is personal or in front of a lot of people.

Visual means the appearance of ours that makes people comfortable. Yes, people will judge a book based on the cover. Let’s be honest, before we started communication with someone the first thing that we look at is their appearance and that's one of the main factors to make us decide whether we should talk to them or not. Too casual or we could say messy will make people think that you are a disrespectful and underestimated especially in the meeting. Well-dressed is a way to respecting others to respecting us.

Digital Communication is also important because nowadays people will be surfing around social media to getting/guessing someone's personality from it. Remember, social media is the new birth of deed or maybe diary book that can be seen by many people.

In the end, Professional Communication skills will lead us to stay professional with zero misunderstandings. In the morning we can greet colleagues correctly and writing a report effectively. Presenting the project in front of customers/supervisors will be easier. You will be staying positive and people will be respecting you in reality and digitally.